System Shock 2 Port Forward
First things first: If this is your first time playing System Shock 2, you need to play this game solo at least once all the way through. This game's unique take on horror and atmosphere should be first experienced ALONE. Knowing you have someone to back you up removes all feeling of terror and suspence. You have been warned.If you decide on using it or if the non-Hamachi method doesn't work for you, the software used (Hamachi) in this guide WILL ALLOW ANYONE ON YOUR VPN TO DIRECTLY ACCESS YOUR COMPUTER.
System Shock 2. All Discussions. System Shock 2 General Discussions Topic Details. Jun 28, 2014 @ 4:24pm run? Forward movement seems a little slow compared to moving left or right. Is there a run key? Showing 1-9 of 9 comments BROOD-SkorpioN. Jun 28, 2014 @ 7:01pm. Forward movement seems a little slow compared to. Oct 6, 2007 - To enable multiplayer with up to 4 players in System Shock 2 you need to. You will need to forward these two ports in your router settings (see.
Make sure you shut down or Power off Hamachi after you are done playing. I take ZERO responsibility for anything that may happen as a result of you or your friends not following those instructions.Whilst I have done my best to layout and explain how to get this working, there is no 100% guarantee this will work for you.
I also can not help you with your own Network configurations or Firewalls. You are on your own. Here are some things you should know about Saving and Loading in Multiplayer: When a game is saved in Multiplayer Mode, it will be stored in a folder in your System Shock 2 Directory and can only be loaded in Multiplayer Mode from a unique save selection screen. Multiplayer saves will not be seen in Single Player mode and vice versa.When either the host or a client pauses the game, it affects everyone in that current game until that player unpauses the game. You can still type messages to each other when the game is paused by pressing whichever key is assigned as the 'Chat' key in your key configuration.If you're going to load a save, make sure you choose the right 'name' from your saved games. If you saved a session as 'OurPlaythrough' but don't choose that name for your saves at the multi-user access window then they will NOT appear when trying to load a previous session.When a client disconnects from the game session, they will disappear and a box will be left behind in their place.
This box contains all the items they picked up during their adventure. People CANNOT join a game in progress.If you, the host, disconnect from the game then the game will still carry on.
A box will not be dropped containing your items and it is best for everyone if everyone quits to the main menu and waits for you to set up another session. Here are some things you should know about Saving and Loading in Multiplayer: When a game is saved in Multiplayer Mode, it will be stored in a folder in your System Shock 2 Directory and can only be loaded in Multiplayer Mode from a unique save selection screen. Multiplayer saves will not be seen in Single Player mode and vice versa.When either the host or a client pauses the game, it affects everyone in that current game until that player unpauses the game. You can still type messages to each other when the game is paused by pressing whichever key is assigned as the 'Chat' key in your key configuration.When you or another client, except the host, disconnects from the game session, they will disappear and a box will be left behind in their place. This box contains all the items they picked up during your/their adventure.If the host disconnects from the game then the game will still carry on. A box will not be dropped containing their items and it is best for everyone if everyone quits to the main menu and waits for the host to set up another session. It's possible to connect to each other without the need for Hamachi.
The host will have to forward (open) a set of ports on their connection however.Forward / Open the following ports:TCP/UDP Ports 2300-2400TCP/UDP Ports 0Opening ports will vary from router to router so I can't help you with the specifics. You can find out more about Port Forwarding you are using a custom firewall such as Comodo, you may have to disable your Firewall Driver in your Local Area Network's Properties in the Network and Sharing Centre. Remember to re-enable it when you are done playing.As long as any custom firewall driver is disabled, connecting to each other should work flawlessly. You may not even need to have the ports open at all to connect.Once you have done this, jump down to the Getting ready to play section below.
If the method above hasn't worked for you, there is another way to try connecting. You will need to install some software on your computer called Hamachi. Hamachi, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) client, will help up to five computers to directly connect to each other. This will be perfect as the game can support up to four players.In order to download the latest version of Hamachi and use the many functions it provides, you can either download Hamachi from www.filehippo.comORYou can sign up for a free account at to download the software.
After logging in, go to 'My Networks' in the Networks Tab on the left side of the page. Click 'Add Client', make sure that 'Install LogMeIn Hamachi on this computer' is checked and click Continue. Click Download Now to download the latest verion of HamachiEveryone who will be playing Shock 2 will need to install the software and make a profile but only ONE person will need to make a Hamachi Network and invite thier friends to join them on it. Decide who is doing what before you proceed with this guide.
This is the quickest way to set up a Hamachi Network. If you want more control over your network, I would recommend reading the 'Creating a Hamachi Network through the Hamachi Website' section below.Start Hamachi and click the 'Power On' button. If it asks you to give yourself a name then do so now. If it doesn't or you don't like the name you gave yourself, you can go to System Preferences and Add/Change it.Only one person needs to create a Hamachi Network and the other people join it.To create a new network, click Network Create New Network.In the Network ID box, give your network a Unique Network ID and password. The ID can be words or numbers and is Caps sensitive.
Now Click Create and you've created your own network.Give the Unique ID to your friends. They should click on Network Join an existing network and enter the information there to connect.Skip down to the Getting Ready to Play section of this guide to proceed once all your friends have connected. This is the section for you if you want to have maximum control over your Hamachi network. If you just want to create a quick network then I recommend you read the 'Creating and Joining a Hamachi Network through the Hamachi client' section above.Click the blue 'Add Network' button on the 'My Networks' page. Give the Network a Name and make sure 'Mesh' is selected from the 3 options provided and click continue.Step 2 is really down to you and what you want from this network. For the sake of this guide, we will leave the Join Request option 'Accept Automatically' selected. Give the Network a password.
This password you will need to give to your friends so that they can login to the network.Free subscription will be selected by Default but if you want a subscription then go ahead and buy one.Click Continue and finish on Step 3 to create your network. Your network will be given a Unique ID number consisting of nine numbered digits split into three groups of three (XXX-XXX-XXX).
Your friends will need this Unique ID in order to connect to your network. This is for everyone including the person making the network. Start Hamachi and click the 'Power On' button. If it asks you to give yourself a name then do so now. If it doesn't or you don't like the name you gave yourself, you can go to System Preferences and Add/Change it.Click Network and select 'Join an Existing Network'.Either Enter in that nine digit Unique ID number of the network and the password to connect OR, if the host gave it a name, enter that name instead to connect.If you've done it all right, you'll see the name of the network appear light blue box and it should say 1/5 on the right. You've successfully made your own Hamachi Network for you and all your friends to join!Note: If you forget the Unique ID number assigned to your network, just run your mouse over the name of your network on the client and the Unique ID qill be displayed.
OK So we've gotten this far. Now all that's left is to start up the game and get connected.Whoever is going to be hosting the game is going to give out either their Real IP address or their Hamachi IP address.The Hamachi IP address is one Hamachi gives you when you install the software. Your Hamachi IP will be displayed on the Hamachi client near the blue 'power on' button.Let's say, for example, that you are going to host the game. If you are using Hamachi, your Hamachi IP is 12.345.67.890.
Give your IP to your friends, start System Shock 2 and follow the relevant section below. Click Multiplayer.Click Host Game and click Next.Choose a name for your saves if you want but remember that if you want to have multiple playthroughs with different people at the same time, you will need to change this name to something different and remember it. Enter your name for your character you'll be playing and click next.Depending on which method you have used, you will need to either give out your real IP address or your Hamachi IP address to your fellow players.You will then get to a window that will list all players in the current session on screen.
Think of this as a 'Lobby' like Left 4 Dead. You will need to tell people that you are waiting for them to connect as this is the time to do it.When all people have connected to your Lobby, Press Next.You can either Start a New Game or Load a previously saved game. Make your choice and away you go.When you start a New Game and don't see your friends next to you on the train, don't panic! You will not meet up with your friends until you get onto the Von Braun. You are free to explore the town on street level, find any hidden secrets, do the tutorials and do your Yearly Postings in which ever career you choose.After your 3rd year of training, the game will attempt to 'synchronize' with your friends.
If your friends are not up to their 3rd year of training by this point, you will be stuck on a temporary 'Synchronizing.' Screen until they are all ready.When everyone has completed their training, you'll all see the starting cutscene and then awaken upon the Von Braun.
Click MultiplayerClick Join a Game and click Next.Enter in the IP address the host has given you in here. If they haven't given you their IP, request it from them now. Give your character that you'll be playing a name.The game will now try to connect to the IP you entered.
If successful, you will see the host and yourself in a list.Think of this as a 'Lobby' like Left 4 Dead. You could start a new game if you want to but if the host has other plans then all you need to do is simply wait on this screen and everything will happen automatically as the host either starts a new game or loads a previous multiplayer save.When you start a New Game and don't see your friends next to you on the train, don't panic! You will not meet up with your friends until you get onto the Von Braun. You are free to explore the town on street level, find any hidden secrets, do the tutorials and do your Yearly Postings in which ever career you choose.After your 3rd year of training, the game will attempt to 'synchronize' with your friends. If your friends are not up to their 4th year of training by this point, you will be stuck on a temporary 'Synchronizing.' Screen until they are all ready.When everyone has completed their training, you'll all see the starting cutscene and then awaken upon the Von Braun. Save Often!This can not be stated enough.
The game was made in 1999! It may crash, freeze and generally cause misery for people and yourself if you do not save often!The best places to save your progress are before moving to other bulkheads and decks. You have been warned!Mods and how they may affect othersCosmetic mods such as texture upgrades, weapon models, sound effects are fine to use BUT if you are going to use any modifications that change files such at the levels, the SHOCK2.GAM file or basically anything that is not cosmetic, You will need to make sure that all people playing in your co-op session have the same files. If not, strange things may happen but the worst will be a game crash.Share Stuff!You may get your own Cybernetic Modules but don't go hogging all the goodies and nanites! Some players might need nanites to repair your shotgun, some may be good at weapons you're not or someone might need that Psi-hypo you just picked up. Share to survive.Don't Rush!System Shock 2 is a game to be played slowly.
Heavy exploration is required in order to find some well hidden items lying around the ship so take your time with it. Me and my partner have just managed to do a complete playthrough.
Here is our experience:-Stability seems to be dependent on the game area. Most levels play fine with no problem but we had problems on a couple of levels where killing/interacting with a certain enemy or object would crash the game. Best to avoid that enemy/object and if not possible tometimes loading a different area and coming back can fix things.-Save before transitioning between ares as others point out the game can fail to synchronize across properly-Learn to frequently AltS but occasionally make a named save if you done something important as sometimes we would have a crash and then later find our save had become corrupted.-If you have a corrupted save try the following: Load the save produced by the other player instead or an older save. Autosave occurs when you transition between areas can help out in areas of dire need.-Spiders for some reason frequently caused a crash - generally avoid them if you can.
System Shock 2 OperationsExit the elevator and turn right toward the crates. Grab a log from Yount, version 2 repair software and a maintenance tool from the crates.
Exit through the bulkhead to your right, the only one unlocked. We finally meet poor Polito. Listen to the cutscene and meet your Master, insect! Once you are done poking around Polito's empty office, exit and head for the door straight ahead but do not enter right away. Instead pick the log from Malik from the floor.
You learn of some special 'friends' dressed in red. Before actually starting on this level it might be worth mentioning that it is a much more challenging level than all the game has offered us so far. Get ready for tons of traps, but also plenty of rewards!As I go forward and open the door I'm startled to see one of those red guys right off the bat! He won't move or attack as long as you don't get too close, but when you do he'll run like hell! I decide not to follow as I fear I was being led in a trap.I follow the corridor past the intersection and end up entering crew quarters. Near the door I pick a log from Suarez and can hear monkeys on the other side. I walk carefully through the door and find 6 rifled slugs on the body.
On the other side of the wall I take the gravshaft up.The gravshaft offered me good protection as I single-handedly dispatched one monkey and two shotgun hybrids. This is the lounge and there is a recharger as well as four upgrade stations.The body to my left contains 3 cyber modules, but what a bloody mess! And why not take a break from hybrid-bashing and try your hand at the slot machine!
Just don't hope to get-rich-quick, or even win at all for that matter.Firm in my resolution not to spend my cyber modules until I can afford some level 5 psi abilities, I pull myself from the upgrade stations and go back down where I hear a hybrid pacing. Here I engage a grenade launching hybrid. While scary and able to deal some significant damage, they are pretty easy to kill. When I try to get close they mostly back away in order to throw their grenades safely. During that time they are vulnerable and I can easily kill them. The closed door in the picture had no loot in it.I turn left as I cross the doorway and spot nanites to my right. I continue forward as I pass some gravshafts and come to a replicator and a dead body.Searching the dead body reveals 12 anti-personnel bullets as 3 worms jump from the dead guy and attack.
The replicator is broken. I repair and hack it only to find bullets and grenades. I hear a camera as well as more worms so I continue forward.Past the camera I find myself overlooking the first floor whose denizens are of The Many genus.
Before I have time to decide how I'll exterminate the infesting vermin, a protocol droid does a decent kamikaze impression and charges. Once dealt with I ignore the gravshafts once more and go around the corner and pick-up a log from Siddons.Just past the last door on this upper floor I find the chemical storeroom where I can finally get some Na to complete research on that weird-looking hypo. At the end of the corridor is a security crate which I hack open for my second EnduroBoost implant. The bulkhead goes to power admin but I want to check out the first floor first.Turning back I take the first gravshaft down to arrive at this location shown on the above map. I will explore the rooms in a clockwise manner, starting from the room to my left. In room 1 I find an annelid gland and a maintenance tool.
Room 2 has 6 armor piercing bullets in the bathroom and 3 cyber modules in one of the lockers. Room 3 is pretty challenging as a midwife is there with 3 eggs blocking the way. I find a speed booster, 20 nanites, 3 cyber modules, 6 rifled slugs and finally a gland. Room 4 spits out a few worms from the broken ceiling and rewards my determined looting with an annelid psi organ, a psi hypo and a beaker. In the locked crate I score 20 more nanites and a brand spanking new French-Epstein device!
Room 5 scared the hell out of me as a shotgun hybrid silently came running at me shouting 'Hurry, run!' I grabbed a SwiftBoost implant as well as 10 nanites and a psi hypo before getting the hell out of there! Finally in room 6 I dispatch a fireball monkey and get 12 armor piercing bullets and a med kit.I take the gravshaft up and continue left toward the one I previously went by to finally arrive at the location above. The area contains only five rooms that I'll be exploring as I did above. Starting to my left, room 1 has a log from Malik and 6 anti-personnel slugs. In room 2 I got a standard suit of armor, 12 standard bullets and a log from Korenchkin.
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Room 3 is a trap and an auto-repair unit is the bait. As I walk to grab it, previously locked doors open and a spider is released! They are pretty resilient but I still managed to get the upper hand as well as 3 cyber modules and 30 nanites. Room 4 has a burning leaking pipe as well as 20 nanites and an anti-toxin hypo.
Aside from a pipe hybrid, room 5 only has a med hypo.It's now time to go deal with the red cyborg so I go back to the intersection I passed at the start of this level and head for System Admin. Besides, that red cyborg has the chip needed to reprogram one of the sim units. But on the way there are several cyborg assassins that I had to dispatch. They are nasty and I ended up using most of my psi hypos and a med kit.
Aside from the cyborg shown above, two others were waiting in the elevator area!After dealing with the camera and listening to The Many, I enter in an area that is pretty similar to the others on this level. A large two floors room comprised of several smaller rooms as you can see on the above map. I'm starting to my left and going clockwise again. The first room contains a desk with an anti radiation hypo and a log with the continuing love story of Rebecca and Tommy. There are also two nasty eggs that will release way too many worms should you get too close!
What's even nicer about this is that if you destroy the eggs the worms will still drop down on you! The second office contains a med hypo and 15 nanites.
I'm skipping the third office (conference room) and go straight to the fourth where I find a pistol in perfect condition and 12 standard bullets. The last office contains 6 anti-personnel bullets.Now for the second floor, and no! I didn't forget about the third room downstairs. The first room contains 15 nanites and 2 cyber modules in a pretty well laid-out trap. As I climb down the ladder some kind of steam gets released and burns me. I grab the loot and climb up while Xerxes advertises a droid poetry reading!
The second office contains 20 nanites and a version 2 modification software. Note the large windows opening on the conference room below. All the other offices are empty on this level. Time for some cyborg bashing!See why I didn't want to enter the conference room from the first floor?
Dispatching this tough cyborg is much easier from this good vantage point. Whenever he shoots some of those ninja stars, simply crouch or move out of the way.The reward is the Quantum simulation chip. You can also expect a boon from Shodan, in the form of 10 cyber modules.

I go back to the hub and leave through bulkhead 42 (inset).As I arrive in the next section, a hybrid attacks me. It's the first time I see a hybrid with so much loot on him! Crusader kings 2 reform norse. The dead body contains 2 cyber modules and 6 rifled slugs and I found a battery in the destroyed turret. A log from Bronson is on the ground nearby. Going around the bend I find 3 crates containing 6 standard bullets as well as 6 rifled slugs. I then decide to chase the cyborg into Data Storage. I pass the empty dead body, the steam and the camera and enter the room.Talk about another elaborate trap.
The bravest amongst you might want to lure the cyborg out of the room to teach him some manners. Brave I am not, so I decide to hide behind the crates and watch the show! Calm is restored as soon as the cyborg dies. I cowardly come out from behind the crates and pick a log from Wood on one of the crates and the interpolated chip from the dead cyborg.
Shodan probably didn't see me hide as she proceeds to reward me with 10 cyber modules and congratulate me on my skills!The dead body in the middle of the room contains 20 nanites and a version 1 modification software. Behind the broken elevator (1) is a med kit, an EMP rifle in good condition and an unresearched object. Before I leave I spot nanites, twenty, hidden pretty high in the room (2).
I leave Data Storage to continue acting-out my Xenophobic urges.Leaving Data Storage I enter the door straight ahead while Shodan briefs me on the crystal shard. As my inventory is full I'll pass on picking it up; I'm pretty sure I'll have the opportunity to get another one later.
I instead desecrate the dead and steal an anti-toxin hypo and 10 nanites from the body. Looking around I spot 2 cyber modules resting on the arm of a chair and a maintenance tool on the floor (inset 1)! Taking the gravshaft up I find another dead body (med hypo plus maintenance tool) and worms crawling out of it. Gross!I leave the lounge and turn to my left where I pass a body in front of a reconstruction machine. That poor guy was just a couple of feet away from endless resuscitation (for a price)! I search him and get 6 standard bullets and 3 proximity grenades.
I go around the bend to arrive near a recharge station. I hear a hybrid mumbling nearby. The security crate contains 20 nanites and 6 armor-piercing bullets while 3 more proximity grenades plus an anti-toxin hypo are on the dead body under the green smoke.I decide to go around the green smoke and turn toward the ramp in front of the security crate. Beware as a hybrid is watching through a window right above the ramp (inset)!
System Shock 2 Multiplayer Join Failed
The dead female body contains 6 rifled slugs and 20 nanites. There was another hybrid past the bend and I found a log from Bronson in the hybrid's cozy two window apartment.Making my way past the toxic smoke I come down and look right for a pretty gruesome scene. But I first turn left and investigate the door closer to the toxic smoke (inset).More eggs! And worth it too; in one of the eggs I find a healing gland and 3 cyber modules were in one of the crates. The second crate wasn't bad either with an ICE pick and 6 rifled slugs. Ok, time to see what's up with our hanging dude.As I get close to the body, no less than 6 worms attack!
Yes, I was as surprised as this guy! And they were at least ten feet long and could swallow a man whole. 3 cyber modules were in the guy's pockets as well as 3 proximity grenades.
On the ground near the helpless bodies of the slain worms I collected a psi hypo. 'tis a true story, I swear!I won't go forward right now but instead go back and turn left to find a body in front of a replicator. Note the two doors leading to the mess hall.
The body contains 6 anti-personnel bullets and no worms this time! I hack the replicator for some psi and med hypos and there's also medkits available.I decided to enter the mess hall from the leftmost door. Quite a carnage took place here. As I start walking toward the dead bodies - all empty - a 'ghost cut-scene' takes place. At the far end of the room, behind the column, I find a security console (1). By the way, did I mention almost everything in this level is a freakin' trap? A maintenance droid appears as I was hacking the console.
While cowardly running to hide under the tables nearby I found a log from Bayliss (2). He's talking about me!Having dealt with the droid in a manner I can't possibly divulge, I enter the galley/pantry area. Turning right as I enter, I sneak close to a monkey and gently pet him on the head solid-wrench style! In the backroom I find 3 cyber modules, 10 nanites and a whole lotta chips!In the other room I found some pretty gross stuff. Their fridges are filled with all type of goodies, like dead bodies, eggs, annelids and disgusting worms.
The dead body had 15 nanites on it and the other body you'll find close by has a med hypo. As you can see in this image, 6 armor-piercing bullets are on the ground here.I leave the pantry, head for the hall and make my way to the second section. I quickly discover the reason for having a security station in this hall! Out of view to my right is also a camera. I hack the two turrets and under their protection search the dead bodies. I find 25 nanites on one and a maintenance tool plus a laser pistol (in fair condition) on the other. The doors nearby lead to the bathrooms where you'll find some eggs, a hybrid and 25 nanites in one and 6 armor piercing bullets, 20 nanites and an egg in the other.I'm done with this area and go back past my hanging friend on my way to the Power Admin offices.
On my way I find a dead body with the Street Hog game (off camera to the right). The camera in the distance doesn't leave me a chance and I'll have to get rid of it.
I could sure use remote hacking right about now, but a good cryo blast will have to suffice.This is another office area and - after I get that droid off my back - I'll enter the room in my usual clockwise fashion, starting from the one at my left. The first office is empty. The second one contains the quantum sim unit and placing the chip in it gets me 15 cyber modules! The third office has a pretty lame security crate I hack to find a LabAssistant implant and 15 nanites. The fourth office has a log from Malik. The fifth has a dead body with a psi hypo and a crystal shard.There's a pretty nasty surprise (read: trap) if you happen to walk near the nanites.
The two openings in the ceiling (1 & 2) contain hidden eggs that will drop worms as you get close! Okay, I'm done.
It's hybrid-fest as I head back to the hub, but I get there pretty quickly thanks to my SwiftBoost implants and psi-boosted agility.Back at the hub I leave through bulkhead 43.I turn left and find a turret blocking the way down this corridor. I'll skip this fight and continue ahead, minding the hybrid I hear pacing about.While looking around the rooms I found this dead body, empty, and an auto-repair unit next to it.
Going further south I found a ladder (inset) and went up. Good thing too, the number of monkeys and hybrid moving around was getting pretty insane!What's this then!
In the egg I found a healing gland and the dead body had 3 cyber modules and the stasis field generator! The weapon is broken but we can make good use of the auto-repair unit we just found!We'll now investigate the door to Power Admin. Hmmm, that log from Malik looks awfully like bait! And what do you know, it is (inset)! Going left might be a better idea, but only slightly (inset)! I'll go for the lesser of these two evils and turn left.Cool, more offices! Starting from my left and going clockwise.
Office 1 is empty. Office 2 has a desk with a version 2 repairing software. Office 3 is not really an office and has two ladders to go down. Office 4 has a desk with 15 nanites and the cool ExpertTech implant!Once down I took care to avoid the eggs on the ceiling and made my way close to the sim unit. The trap that freak Malik was talking about is four spiders that will get released when I get close to the unit. The dead body contains a laser rapier and 6 standard bullets and there's a French-Epstein device here as well. And the security station won't prevent the spiders from coming after you, if that's what you were thinking!
My strategy here is to grab the loot safely then stick the chip in the sim unit and run like hell! Let's see how that goes.It worked.
I had time to run back to the ladder but, oh surprise, see what was waiting for me upstairs (inset)! I swear I'm not making this up! Ok, I have enough of these distractions and head back to the entrance to deal with that turret.With my current armament I see no choice but to destroy the turret with some cryo blasts.
If that ain't cute, a monkey is coming straight for me! And it's the fireball-type, awww.The turret had a battery in it. Looking left I See upgrade stations, a dead body (3 cyber modules) and a log from Suarez. As I head toward the upgrade stations, two monkeys and a grenade hybrid get in the way. I'm not sure what is wrong with this gaming session, but there are so many hybrids and spiders spawning that I'm starting to think it's a bug in the game!
Oh, and check out for that turret when you head for the upgrade stations (inset)!Next to the turret in this area is a shooting range where you can get 12 anti-personnel bullets. Pretty handy against the hordes of monkeys and hybrids that keep respawning in this God forsaken place! Maybe my constant reloading while taking these screenshots is messing up the game somehow?Backtracking a bit I enter the barracks where I find 10, 15 and 20 nanites, a speed booster hypo and a BrawnBoost implant. While I was searching a monkey, a spider and two hybrids rushed in the room!Leaving the barracks I turn left and head for the next section.

Uncle Xerxes' watchful eye spotted me as I rushed past the bend.Now, the replicator to my right is one of the few places on this ship where you can get a recycler! Go get one and get rid of all the junk you're carrying! To the left is an armory and a droid is inside.
Open at your own risk but you'll still get a perfect assault rifle and some grenades if you do. More barracks are straight ahead and I find 20, 25, 15 and 15 nanites, 3 cyber modules and a log from Bronson. I hack both the security station and turret and prepare to enter the final area of this level.I hacked the security station before going forward. The body in front of the door is empty and only serves to draw you close to the door where a droid and more hybrids are waiting. In the next room (inset) I find a dead body with 6 armor-piercing bullets and a working turret I hacked.
I'm pretty glad I did as more spiders and monkeys kept pouring in. Look at this mess.Past the next door is our target: the last red cyborg!
In a strange turn of events he was really easy to kill. As more hybrids got in the way the cyborg was unable to get a clear line of sight and I was able to dispatch him with a few blasts while taking only minimal damage!I turn left and take another left to visit the good folks in the brig. That should allow me to catch my breath!Before entering this cell make sure to break the ceiling glass (1) and destroy the junction box (2).
If you do not, you are in for a surprise! Nothing dangerous however. Don't forget to to pick the unresearched item from your dead cellmate.I turn left as I exit the brig and get rid of the camera. This is a spawning location for the bad guys and I have to fight a spider, two hybrids and a monkey. Past the door I finally find the last of the sim units and one hell of a carnage.
In total I find a log from Bronson and Diego, 12 standard bullets, 6 anti-personnel slugs, a maintenance tool, a laser pistol, a psi hypo and 40 nanites. Overriding the sim unit gives me 15 more cyber modules.Past the close door is a log from Delacroix, a med kit (inset) and 2 hidden cyber modules (inset). I turn left and rush past the camera downstairs. Remember this location as we'll need to come back later.
Downstairs are four rooms and I find a surgical unit, 6 rifled slugs, a maintenance tool, plenty of disgusting worms, a dead body with 2 cyber modules, a log from Bronson hidden behind a chair in the same room and a psi booster guarded by a monkey in the last room.That's it! I'm making a quick stop at the upgrade stations and then I'm going back to the hub! How do I spend all those modules now. With my 225 modules I increased my Psi stats to the max. I also upgraded my strength and my maintenance skill. Upgrading maintenance gives all the energy-based items more charge. I still have more than 100 modules left and I'll keep them to see how my new abilities pan out.
On to recreation!